The struts html/nested tags replace these characters with the question
marks. This is probably because they are trying to use a filter. Now if I
use my own Encoding/Decoding I will have to turn struts filtring off as u
said. I can do it in <bean:write> tags but I can find a way to do this in
<html:text> and <nested:text> etc.

This is critical for the application to be usable.

Thanks and Regards,


It is just for Struts. Or even just for the JSPEngine.

If you want to be on the save side, you can ADDITIONALY add
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
in the html head.

> Also I still get a ? for the copyright symbol. I must be
> doing something wrong here.

Do you use a font in which this symbol is available?


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