Hello list.

This is my case:

I have one action called NewIssue and one called ListIssues.

NewIssue processes a very simple input form in newissue.jsp.
ListIssues gives me a list of all the issues entered by the user in listissues.jsp.

In my struts-config.xml file i have:
<action path="/NewIssue"
<forward name="struts.action.success" path="/ListIssues.do"/>
<forward name="struts.action.failure" path="/genericerror.jsp"/>
<forward name="struts.action.reload" path="/agenda/newissue.jsp"/>

Everithing works fine here: I go to the input page, submit the data, and the controller redirects me to the list page.

BUT if i hit reload here,after forward, the action executes the submit again. I noticed that the url in the address bar of the browsers reamains the same (NewIssue.do?...)

Any ideas to prevent this? how can I avoid the re-execution of the action after forward.

I tried doing form.reset() at the end of the execute() method but is the same.

Thanks in advanced.


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