> There is no bean:write in struts-el.tld , what is the equivalent of the 
> above using struts-taglib-el.tld

You wouldn't use struts-el, you would use the JSTL tags.  Look at the
README.txt file in the contrib/struts-el directory (of 1.1b3) for info on
what tags to use when replacing the original struts tags.

Here's my shot at translating your code into JSTL:

<c:forEach items="${tran.transactions}" var="trans">
  <c:out value="${trans.testcode}" />
  <c:out value="${trans.srcfac" />

I might have the 'tran' and 'trans' pieces mixed up, and you'll have to add
the table row/cell tags, but that should get you started.

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

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