Hi, I was told that jsp->jsp through <a href="foo.jsp">link</a> in an
html file is not recommended struts practice.

If this is not good.. and I can understand why.. I was told that
replacing it with
          <html:form action="/foo"> 
            <html:submit value="foo"></html:submit>
was the way to go.

However, form's submits appear as "buttons" and not as "links". How do
I get a "link-like" appearance within a form. I have looked at
html:link but tools such as IBM's struts diagramming don't grok that
so if form's are the recommended best practice here, how can I make a
link appear inside of a form.

BTW. if I use <html:link> is the struts controller invoked if I use
the action attribute correctly? The reason I ask is that I tried that
but my beans on my jsp are not getting populated correctly.

Thanks in advance.

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