> This might not be directly related to Struts... I have this problem with
> most of my JSP pages: I have many links (to actions or other pages) that
> should have diferent parameters determined at runtime. I hope someone
> come up with a more clever solution to this. Here is what I think could to
> it for me: Buffering output for all JSP pages and directing it to a
> for post-processing. That is, the servlet would parse the JSP output for
> <link..> tags and replace them with appropriate links+parameters. But I
> don't know exactly how to do that...

Can you post an example of the JSP code you have, and what you want the
resulting HTML to look like?

How about putting information (Strings) in request scope and then using tags
to write that info into the page?

Or, put it in session scope and don't worry about adding parameters to the
links at all... just read the values out of the session in the linked-to

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

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