I've used Hibernate on my last two (small) projects.  It works great for me,
and is super easy if you read the documentation.  On one project, I have
POJOs that are marked up with XDoclet and it creates ValidationForms and
Hibernate mappings using Ant tasks.  So I have one class to maintain.  This
project was developed as a sample app, rather than a real-world app.  In the
real world, I've done the same thing, but I had to split out my POJOs from
my Forms when I had indexed properties.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Chaimungkalanont [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:24 PM
> Subject: [OT] Which Object Relational mapping tool?
> Howdy all,
> This is not about struts really... But I figured it could be 
> relevant for
> some people. If you know a better forum for relatively 
> unbiased opinion,
> please  tell me & I'll take it there!
> Just looking into O/R mappers and have looked at (Briefly):
> Hibernate 2.0 beta 2
> Castor
> OJB 0.9.8
> Does anyone know which is better for what? Which is the most 
> "robust" and
> mature development? Have any recommendations of any other 
> ones? Had some
> success/problems? Hibernate SOUNDS impressive and looks quite 
> professional
> but I haven't used any of them...
> Again, sorry for spamming the struts mailing list and will take it
> elsewhere if it bothers people.
> Cheers
> MC
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