Last week's meeting of the local WebSphere Users' Group (WUG) included a demonstration 
of the WebSphere Studio Site Developer (WSSD) including Struts tooling.  It is quite 

Through the use of wizards and other intuitive aids WSSD eases the process of 
developing a Struts-enabled application.  It includes wizards for generating Action 
classes, ActionForms, mappings and the struts config file.  The Web Diagram Editor 
(WDE -- or woody as its called) is quite impressive.  It allows you to visually create 
form beans, actions and build mappings by drawing connectors between the various 
components.  WSSD also has this "next generation wizard" that they call Cheatsheet.  
It literally walks you through the process of building a Struts-based application.

I am not totally sold on the idea of graphical aids for everything but it's there for 
those who like it....


-----Original Message-----
From: Expedito Reinaldo da Silva Júnior [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 12:35 PM
Subject: Struts Tools

Hi, All!

I don´t know if I'm asking to the right list, but I have a question: I'd like to know 
what's the best IDE/tool to help construction web applications with Struts. I've seen 
some tools in the Struts resources page but I'm not impressed with them. In truth, I 
thought in a tool helping us to 'draw' pages with areas (tiles), buttons, input boxes, 
etc, in a way that we can access its properties and configure its name, validation 
rules, default values and so on. After creating our 'views', we could make the 
sequence of pages, like forward and redirect pages; and all visually. After all, the 
tool could generate my JSPs and the struts-config.xml file correctly. From the input 
boxes we could know what input fields the view need and generate the expected 
DynaBeans, with the respectives validations rules (previously setted). Following this 
idea, I thing we can generate our Views, FormBeans (DynaBeans) and Validations, and 
the ActionBean's skeleton; the user will just need to program the
business rules (ActionForm.execute()).

I've recently searched for drawing tools to create such 'framework' (or ide) and I 
find that MS Visio and System Architect has features that could produce this results. 
In truth, I want something like AllienFactory 
(, but doing much more things 

A few days ago, I've managed some training courses and I find that the big problem 
about the Java Language and the technologies it involves are the IDEs we have! They 
are very poor (I don't know about JBuilder... I know it's very good...)!!! How can we 
convince VB and Delphi programmers to migrate to Java with such tools?? So, I was 
looking at ASP .NET and its IDE facilities (I sugest you to know and you will 
undertand me) and that time I thougth 'why cannot we have something like this'?? I 
really don't like the 'DarkSide', but its framework helps a lot its programmers. 

Struts is the right framework,
because its MVC separation allow us to generate a tool to reach such facilities. What 
do you think about it????? Please help me make Java very easy besides a great 
language!!! I know that good Java programmers are also great experts in Design 
Patterns, architects and so on, but our language
(Java) can really grow substancially in the world with such programmer's requisites??? 
Don't you think a great IDE could help?

Thanks all and sorry my bad english.

Expedito Jr.

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