Struts Console also has a plugin for Eclipse (albeit
less integrated) that supports the "parameter" field
of mappings.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Just tried easy struts, don't why it didn't show me
> the parameter of a
> mapping.
> Regards,
> PQ
> "This Guy Thinks He Knows Everything"
> "This Guy Thinks He Knows What He Is Doing"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: alexj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: February 5, 2003 1:03 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Struts Tools
> I have use many IDE to developp with struts,
> JBuilder 8, JDevelopper,
> NetBeans, WSAP 5 but
> I like better Eclipse.
> Personaly I don't think the modeler include with
> WSAP is really an help.
> Eclipse is so ligth and in association with Easy
> Struts it's the best tools
> I've try.(and free)
> Chears.
> --
> Alexandre Jaquet
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sri Sankaran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Struts Users Mailing List"
> Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 6:55 PM
> Subject: RE: Struts Tools
> Last week's meeting of the local WebSphere Users'
> Group (WUG) included a
> demonstration of the WebSphere Studio Site Developer
> (WSSD) including Struts
> tooling.  It is quite impressive.
> Through the use of wizards and other intuitive aids
> WSSD eases the process
> of developing a Struts-enabled application.  It
> includes wizards for
> generating Action classes, ActionForms, mappings and
> the struts config file.
> The Web Diagram Editor (WDE -- or woody as its
> called) is quite impressive.
> It allows you to visually create form beans, actions
> and build mappings by
> drawing connectors between the various components. 
> WSSD also has this "next
> generation wizard" that they call Cheatsheet.  It
> literally walks you
> through the process of building a Struts-based
> application.
> I am not totally sold on the idea of graphical aids
> for everything but it's
> there for those who like it....
> Sri
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Expedito Reinaldo da Silva Júnior
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 12:35 PM
> Subject: Struts Tools
> Hi, All!
> I don´t know if I'm asking to the right list, but I
> have a question: I'd
> like to know what's the best IDE/tool to help
> construction web applications
> with Struts. I've seen some tools in the Struts
> resources page but I'm not
> impressed with them. In truth, I thought in a tool
> helping us to 'draw'
> pages with areas (tiles), buttons, input boxes, etc,
> in a way that we can
> access its properties and configure its name,
> validation rules, default
> values and so on. After creating our 'views', we
> could make the sequence of
> pages, like forward and redirect pages; and all
> visually. After all, the
> tool could generate my JSPs and the
> struts-config.xml file correctly. From
> the input boxes we could know what input fields the
> view need and generate
> the expected DynaBeans, with the respectives
> validations rules (previously
> setted). Following this idea, I thing we can
> generate our Views, FormBeans
> (DynaBeans) and Validations, and the ActionBean's
> skeleton; the user will
> just need to program the
> business rules (ActionForm.execute()).
> I've recently searched for drawing tools to create
> such 'framework' (or ide)
> and I find that MS Visio and System Architect has
> features that could
> produce this results. In truth, I want something
> like AllienFactory
> but doing much
> more things visually.
> A few days ago, I've managed some training courses
> and I find that the big
> problem about the Java Language and the technologies
> it involves are the
> IDEs we have! They are very poor (I don't know about
> JBuilder... I know it's
> very good...)!!! How can we convince VB and Delphi
> programmers to migrate to
> Java with such tools?? So, I was looking at ASP .NET
> and its IDE facilities
> (I sugest you to know and you will undertand me) and
> that time I thougth
> 'why cannot we have something like this'?? I really
> don't like the
> 'DarkSide', but its framework helps a lot its
> programmers.
> Struts is the right framework,
> because its MVC separation allow us to generate a
> tool to reach such
> facilities. What do you think about it????? Please
> help me make Java very
> easy besides a great language!!! I know that good
> Java programmers are also
> great experts in Design Patterns, architects and so
> on, but our language
> (Java) can really grow substancially in the world
> with such programmer's
> requisites??? Don't you think a great IDE could
> help?
> Thanks all and sorry my bad english.
> Expedito Jr.
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