Goo deal, good question.

See Craig's response on Security filter.
Then in action you can find the users role and pass it to your
formBean.poulate(id, getUserRole);

The explenation on row based security, but there is a free book in DOCO (click download, the book is the zip), page 180+
explain row based security.
If you read that and have a question, let me know.


David Bolsover wrote:
Hi all

I am presently in the process of refactoring an existing struts application for a new client.

Because users will access the application following a redirect from the clients main web site where the user will log in
to access 'myAccount' information, my client is understandably reluctant to have a secondary login to the struts
application.  This restriction prohibits me from using container managed security.  As a consequence, I have to use
application managed security.  At present, I am considering the following:

User is redirected from main web site to struts app with:


I propose that the redirect have (at least) the following parameters:

time=<long time in ms since midnight 1 January 1970>
validation=<hash value calculated from username and time>

I will know the time off the request so I can reject any that are say more than 24 hours old.
I will also be able to calculate the validation hash value - (mechanism known only to me and main web site server.)
I would welcome any comments on the above - is it at least moderately secure?

Given that I can use the above (or a modification) to provide access to the struts app I can then associate individual
users with access privileges and, the customer accounts they are entitled to view - but this raises another issue - are
there any generally accepted patterns for enforcing security - 'Customer' users should only be able to view accounts to
which they have been granted access - but 'Admin' users should have rights to all accounts.  Previously, using container
managed security, I have been able to make use of the user 'role' to manage some aspects of security - but can I do this
with application managed security?

Any advice, hints, tips would be most welcome.

David Bolsover

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