if (isReset(httpServletRequest)) 
     return actionMapping.findForward(Constants.D_RESET);

As you can see, I had a constants class that I refer to.  Also, in the 
struts-config.xml I have mapped this forward back to the original jsp.  I put this 
snippet of code in the beginning of each action class I have.  

 Gus Delgado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:how do I check for the reset in the 

Jacky Kimmel wrote:

>It sounds like your action does not check to see if the reset was clicked or not. 
>What I have done is do this check at the beginning of all my action classes. If the 
>reset has been selected then the action is redirected to the empty jsp. It sounds 
>like your action mapping may also not be corrected in your config file.
> Gus Delgado wrote:I have created a JSP with a "Submit" and "Reset" button both using 
>and tags. When I first render the page the 
>reset works just fine, but if I hit the submit button and the page gets 
>render again, I try to hit the reset and the form does not get clear 
>anymore, the reset button does not work anymore, any ideas of why this 
>is happening? any ways to fix it?
>thank you
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