Actually, you can share one instance between developers. I was at a place
that did. It was kind of insane, but it worked in a 'using a spoon to dig a
trench' sort of way. If you can hot deploy ejbs and jsps then you can. I do
not recommend this. Just saying it is 'possible'. Boy, I hope some pointy
haired manager isn't reading this.

Actually, now that I think of it, this is more common than most would admin.
Many places have J2EE admin types that administer a server or servers for a
group of developers. This can relieve them from J2EE admin tasks. I still
think they should have a desktop setup, but I can see this scenario. Where I
work now, I'm the J2EE guru so I put most of the 'yucky' setup stuff in CVS
and deploy it where needed on the ant build. The developers dont need to
know anything about weblogic other than starting up the script that the
build copies (along with a lot of other junk) and the shmem name to attach
their IDE to for debugging. I think the last scenario, the one we're doing
here, is the best. It has the app server on the developer's machine but the
developer doesn't have to worry about all the cumbersome admin stuff.
Michael Lee

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 8:10 AM
Subject: RE: [OT] how do people work in project with one server for

> You can't share the same instance between developers.  No sane person
> require that.  I develop on Tomcat and use Websphere in production.  This
> probably what your team should do but it gets more complicated if you're
> using EJBs and you use JBoss instead.
> David
> >This question is related to how to share one instance
> >of application server, We used to use tomcat for our
> >web development, so it was easy all the developers had
> >tomcat on there machine, and then they can check out
> >the source from VSS, modify test it on there machine
> >and put it back,
> >And one fine day we would freee the code and test it
> >together and release it,
> >But now we are moving to websphere, and it is not
> >possible to have each one one copy to play with on his
> >machine
> >So if i want to restart the server, it will affect
> >others, even if i modify one class it will affect
> >others
> >So does anyone has this kind of siutation and how do u
> >people deal with it
> >Ashish
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