I have a jsp page being called by an action that passes a user type in the
the jsp has the following code:

                <td><bean:message key="prompt.username" />: </td>
                <td><html:text property="username" size="50" maxlength="50" /></td>
                <td><bean:message key="prompt.firstname" />: </td>
                <td><html:text property="firstName" size="50" maxlength="50" /></td>
                <td><bean:message key="prompt.lastname" />: </td>
                <td><html:text property="lastName" size="50" maxlength="50" /></td>
                <td><bean:message key="prompt.address1" />: </td>
                <td><html:text property="address1" size="50" maxlength="50" /></td>

My problem is that the only value displaing on the browser is the username.
When I write the following scriptlet:
        <% out.println( ((User) request.getAttribute("user")).getFirstName)); %>
the first name displays.

Any help will be greatly appreciated


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