> I do have <html:form action="action/editUser"> in the code I just did not
> included in the email.
> I also have the following in my jsp:
> <jsp:useBean id="user" scope="request"
> class="com.basf.plasticsportal.data.User">
> <jsp:setProperty name="user" property="*" />
> </jsp:useBean>
> thanks,
> Diego.

You don't need <jsp:usebean> : this jsp tag is used to create a script
variable (named as "id" defines) from a bean in some scope, or create this
bean if not found.

<html:form> will look in struts-config.xml for the "action/editUser" action
definition and get associated formbean as default bean for <html:xxx> tags.
This way you doesn't need to set "name" attribute to <html:text> tags nested
inside an <html:form>.

You should have such a definition in your struts-config :

  <form-bean name="user"

  <action path="/action/editUser"
   <forward  ..... />

Using this, struts will know that "/action/editUser" is associated with a
ActionFormBean named "user" in request scope, and will search for / create

And in your JSP :

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<html:form action="action/editUser">
    <html:text property="userName">
    <html:text property="firstName">
    <html:text property="lastName">

Try with such a minimal JSP code to avoid other JSP / HTML errors.


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