no, not really, I'll give it a try thank you!

Durham David Cntr 805CSS/SCBE wrote:

Gus, try going back a few posts to the javascript stuff. I think it's more in line with your original question. As a test try putting:
<input type="reset" onClick="nameOfYourForm.firstTextField.value='';return false;">

on your page. replace nameOfYourForm and firstTextField with the appropriate names.

I think you'll start to see where this is going.

It's not hard, and there isn't a need for server side processing, unless there is, well, a need for server side processing. Is there? You haven't mentioned any.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gus Delgado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 3:14 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Reset button.

isReset() who's method is that, action, form?

I can't seem to find it.

Jacky Kimmel wrote:

if (isReset(httpServletRequest)) {
return actionMapping.findForward(Constants.D_RESET);

As you can see, I had a constants class that I refer to.
Also, in the struts-config.xml I have mapped this forward back to the original jsp. I put this snippet of code in the beginning of each action class I have.
Gus Delgado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:how do I
check for the reset in the Action?

Jacky Kimmel wrote:

It sounds like your action does not check to see if the
reset was clicked or not. What I have done is do this check at the beginning of all my action classes. If the reset has been selected then the action is redirected to the empty jsp. It sounds like your action mapping may also not be corrected in your config file.

Gus Delgado wrote:I have created a JSP with a "Submit" and
"Reset" button both using the
and tags. When I first render the page the reset works just fine, but if I hit the submit button and
the page gets
render again, I try to hit the reset and the form does not
get clear
anymore, the reset button does not work anymore, any ideas
of why this
is happening? any ways to fix it?

thank you




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