Sri & Jeff,

I have seen this inconsistent behavior and can duplicate it fairly
I found when testing for bug 15799 that in some cases the bean name
for a nested write was null. Going up the tree I couldn't find any
resets for the bean name where a reset changed the name to null but I
look at reused tags a potential source for the problem.

I also don't understand why the nested tags like NestedWrite don't
a reset. It is likely that it is just fine but it also seems possible
that there should 
be a reset to originalProperty and isNesting in the NestedWrite tag. I
spent time researching this either.

David Morris

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/11/03 08:57AM >>>
  I have seen your several posts in the last day or so but haven't
commiserated since you had indicated haven't read my posting

  After debugging the problem, I had rephrased the problem in
 Eventually, I submitted a bug report -- which you have indicated as
having read.

  Your tests on earlier versions of Tomcat may bolster Arron's belief
that the problem lies in Tomcat -- or to be more precise the Jasper page
compiler.  You may consider appending to the bug report (#16916) and
providing more information.

  This *is* a show-stopper for me and so I have set the priority for
the bug as Major.  I have no choice but to revert back to using Struts
1.0.2 with the nested extension :( since our deployment servers are at
Tomcat 4.1.18.

  Please let me know if I can help


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