>Any more personal attacks like this, or the previous response's profanity,
>are likely to get you banned -- then you won't have to worry about
>questions you think are below your dignity to answer politely.
>Craig McClanahan

Thank you Craig. 

I think this list is great, and now that I'm slowly getting struts --
this week has been much better than last, I'm able to see it's
power. I still haven't played with DynaAction forms, but if they can
reduce the proliferation of forms classes I seem to have now.. more
power to struts. Thank you (and to the rest of the list) for the
patience w/ which you answer -- it makes the list and struts itself

I normally wouldn't say this, but the author posted about whether or
not a form's fields would be filled before validate() is called. My
reaction was the same initially as several others on this
list.. i.e. hmm.. hasn't he read the manual? I then recalled my
frustrations in those early days w/ struts (just a few days
back).. and I remember being unclear about several things. "what does
the 'struts' framework do behind your back to make your life easy for
you" would be a great topic in the documentation.. it sort of says
that .. but that information is mixed in w/discussions about MVC2, and
then other details .. so a 'just what the code does in 1.1b2' section
would be great. Thankfully, I finally got my source debugger to work
with it, so I've been setting breakpoints and learning. struts is
actually quite simple -- once you see what it's doing. Just a
ps. when things work .. people don't ask such questions. It's when you
read about bean:define or nested:text and then try it, and it throws
an exception that shakes your mental models, that you need to map,
cross-check your understanding with reality again.



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