I'm using WINDOWS-1252 character set on my jsp pages.  This is because
our database is not Unicode so I have trouble using UTF-8 (this is
beyond my control at this point).  When I enter Korean characters into
my application they are converted into Unicode escape sequences (ie.
〹...).  When I use the html tag library to display these
characters the ampersand is escaped prior to presentation so the escape
sequence rather than the character itself is displayed.  

I found that the ResponseUtils.filter method is escaping the ampersand
so I extended the tags (text,textarea,hidden) and used a similar utility
that only escapes the ampersand if it is not part of an escape sequence
and this is working for me but won't be great for maintenance and

My question is, has anyone run into this problem before?  If so how did
you handle it?  Are there plans to build support for this situation into
the library?

Thanks in advance for any information.


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