Is there any piece of functionality in Struts that I can take advantage of in order to save and restore form data entered by the user as the page is reloaded. For example I am displaying an html table that shows a paged view of the data. The user can click on page 1,2,3, etc. Clicking on these links reloads the SAME page, but with the next subset of data in the html table. The problem I am running into is that the page in question also has a form area where the user is supposed to fill in information and submit it. When the user clicks on the links to page through the table, the data they entered in the form fields is lost.

In the past, I have made round trips to the server and submitted the form data, storing it in session to later be retrieved. I want a better approach now though. I was considering passing the form data in a querystring but am afraid I will hit its size limit. Any ideas as to how this can best be accomplished?


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