I an trying to build a site using Tiles & Struts (first time newbie) and it seems I am unable to get the Tiles controller to override at run-time the attribute values (e.g. page title)

I'm using Struts 1.0.2 and tilesForStruts1.0.jar. My tile-defs.xml looks like:


<definition name="corridorTemplate" path="/templates/template.jsp">
<put name="page.title" value="Extreme/dark music webzine"/>
<put name="content.title" value="Corridor of Cells"/>
<put name="content.body" value=""/>
<put name="leftbar" value="/templates/leftbar.jsp"/>
<put name="rightbar" value="/templates/rightbar.jsp"/>
<put name="footer" value="/templates/footer.jsp"/>
<!-- main page -->
<definition name="whatsnewTemplate" extends="corridorTemplate" controllerUrl="/whatsnewController.do">
<put name="page.title" value="TEST"/>
<put name="content.title" value="TEST"/>
<put name="content.body" value="TEST"/> </definition>


The "/whatsnewController.do" controller action is defined in struts-config.xml as:

<action path="/whatsnewController" type="com.corridorofcells.action.WhatsNewController"></action>

and the actual com.corridorofcells.action.WhatsNewController class's perform() looks like:

public final class WhatsNewController extends TilesAction {

public ActionForward perform(
ComponentContext context,
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException {
context.putAttribute("page.title", "Extreme/dark music webzine");
context.putAttribute("content.title","What's New");
context.putAttribute("content.body", "Hey, what's new????");
return null;



However, at run-time, the values of "page.title" and "content.title" are never overriden (in the "template.jsp" I fetch them using <tiles:getAsString name="page.title"> etc).

They're always left to the base value I defined in "whatsNewTemplate", i.e. the value "TEST". They never seem to get updated at run-time with the overriden values I "put" in the WhatsNewController class.

I've wasted 2 days on this and about to give up and just do down-and-dirty JSP instead of clean and smooth Tiles...the docs say this should work, but in my case such a basic example just doesn't work.

Help! What am I doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance for help,

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