> -----Original Message-----
> From: otisg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 12:39 PM
> Subject: handling form errors in Actions, returning to form,
> prepopulating them without re-POSTING
> Hello,
> We are starting to use Struts and are
> wondering how Struts users handle scenarios
> such as this one:
> 1. /ShowForm action gets called, mapped to
> ShowFormAction.
>    ShowFormAction pulls a list of countries
> from the DB (for ex.),
>    stick that list in the HTTP request, and
> 'forwards' to 'ok', 
>    which is a JSP with a form that consists
> of blank form fields
>    and a pull-down with countries that it
> gets from the HTTP req.
> 2. A user fills the form, but forgets a
> required field before he
>    submits the form by POSTing to
> /SubmitForm action.
> 3. /SubmitForm is mapped to SubmitFormAction
> which detects a
>    missing required field.  Is puts error
> messages in an instance 
>    of ActionErrors.  It now needs to forward
> to something other
>    than 'ok'.
> What we want to happen at this point is:
> A. Get the user back the input form
> B. Display the error message
> C. Make sure that all possible fields are
> pre-populated with
>    data that the user already entered
> D. The pull-down in the form has that same
> list of countries
> E. The user is not prompted with 'Do you
> want to re-POST' dialog
> How can this be done?
> In our Struts config we have:
>     <!-- gets a list of countries from DB,
> puts them in Request,
>          forwards to 'ok'  -->
>     <action path=      "/ShowForm"
>             type=     
> "net.wgen.ampng.action.ShowFormAction"
>             scope=     "request">
>         <forward name= "ok"      
> path="/WEB-INF/v/form-ok.jsp"/>
>         <forward name= "failure" 
> path="/WEB-INF/v/form-not.jsp"/>
>     </action>
>     <!-- gets form data and processes it -->
>     <action path=      "/SubmitForm"
>             type=     
> "net.wgen.ampng.action.SubmitFormAction"
>             scope=     "request"
>             validate=  "true"
>             name=      "myForm"
>             input=     "/WEB-INF/v/form.jsp">
>         <forward name= "ok"      
> path="/WEB-INF/v/ok.jsp"/>
>         <forward name= "failure" 
> path="/WEB-INF/v/form.jsp"/>
>     </action>
> What is the best way to handle this and
> achieve A, B, C, D, and E that I mentioned
> above?
> If SubmitFormAction encounters an error
> (e.g. a missing required field), what should
> it forward to?  The original JSP in 'input'
> attribute?  The JSP mapped to 'failure' (the
> same JSP with the original form)?
> Should it forward/chain to another Action
> that redirects back to the original form?
> (but that would lose the form data + error
> messages in the Request, wouldn't it?) 
> Something else?
> Does the JSP with the form need to contain
> the logic for pulling errors + form data
> from the request, if it exists?
> This seems like a situation that would be
> very common and I feel that Struts has some
> elegant way for handling this.
> Thank you,
> Otis
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