I'm not sure I understand completely.  Are you returning to the same page after the 
form is submitted?  What are you doing in the reset() and Action?

That notwithstanding, here are some possibilities:

* The text fields are not within a form
* You are re-directing to the page and not forwarding
* You are forwarding (or redirecting) to an action that is
  re-initializing the form.

Will need to see the necessary action mappings too.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: MarwanSalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 1:09 PM
> Subject: Where are my ActionForm's changes?
> Hi,
> I am using the <login:iterate> tag to display a collection of 
> objects. The objects have attributes that some can
> be edited by the user. After the user changes some values and submits 
> back to the Action class, the values that were changed in the JSP are 
> not reflected in the form. I know that because I tried to iterate 
> through the collection and displayed the values retained from both 
> the ActionForm.reset() and from the Action class. No changes are 
> retained; only the original values. I am using Struts 1.1-b3.
> Here is my ActionForm:
> private List parameterList = new ArrayList();
> public List getParameterList()
> {
>   return parameterList;
> }
> public void setParameterList(List parameterList)
> {
>   this.parameterList = parameterList;
> }
> public MyObject getMyObject(int index)
> {
>   return (MyObject) parameterList.get(index);
> }
> What's wrong?
> Marwan
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