> It seems like a lot of work to implement this in PHP when it's
> already done in Java.  To each their own I guess :-).
Several reasons.  

1. PHP is more available right now on webhosts, namely my webhost.  

2. Call it an exercise.

3. PHP needs a good framework, so I am stepping forward.

4. PHP is quicker to configure (for me), easier to work with (for
me) and I have TONS of experience writing PHP apps, so I know the
manual inside and out and backwards and forwards.  This is why I am
70% done with the port (although I have trimmed out some of the more
extravagant options and have dropped the taglib in favor of PHP as
the view portion).

5. To each his own.  I would really not care to discuss why any
further, so as not to get off topic.

> The example app breaks the rule that all jsps should be fronted by
> an action.  You should never access a jsp directly through a url.
> The action sets up all the data for the jsp and places it into the
> request or session.
Okay, I can work with that.  But in the case of the example (either
the ones provided or the one in Struts Kick Start) how are the
message resources populated then?  They work, so where are they


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Daniel Allen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Microsoft's Law of Software Engineering: 
Don't worry if it doesn't work right. 
If everything did, we'd be out of a job.
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