Check out this article

A nice to way to keep the ResultSet in yr db classes and allow your other
classes to remain ignorant of db access.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kirby Vandivort [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:59
Subject: [OT] database access philosophy


I'm in the process of converting an old webapp over to using struts
and, in the process, I decide to clean up the database access.

Old Way:
I had written a connection pool and instantiated an instance of this
that was passed to all methods that needed the db, and they they had
the sql code embedded in the methods.

New Way that I'm working on:
I've set up a DataSource for my jdbc connection, and I'm partitioning
off all of the database access code into it's own package.  If my
business logic needs database info, it calls a method from the database
access package to get it.

My problem:

Many methods from the database access return simple data.

However, I currently have it written so that some of the more complex
ones return a ResultSet, which I'm not really happy with.  This exposes
the DB layer to the business logic, but I'm not totally sure what the
best way to avoid this is.  In addition, this doesn't work :( because
the underlying connection gets closed when the database access method
exists, and the ResultSet is no longer valid.

SO,  I am wondering what people do when they need to return all of the
data in a ResultSet to their business layer.  Do you have to go to the
hassle of copying everything to some sort of data structure, or is
there a better, cleaner, faster way to handle this?

(I'm kind of assuming that the ResultSet will be small enough to fit
in memory and there won't be issues with pulling it in in pieces;  how
would that be handled, though?)



Kirby Vandivort                      Theoretical and Computational
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          3051 Beckman Institute    University of Illinois
Phone: (217) 244-5711                405 N. Mathews Ave
Fax  : (217) 244-6078                Urbana, IL  61801, USA

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