If you've decided on copying data instead of passing around ResultSets and
you want to keep your own DB mapping layer, then maybe some beans and
commons-beanutils will satisfy your immediate needs. There are plenty of
property copier/converter things there, all with the Apache seal of approval
on 'em.

If you're willing to get rid of your own DB mapping layer, then there's lots
of ways to deal with that too, as a quick google on "java persistence
framework" will show (45,600 hits just now). I used to use a hand-rolled
persistence layer modeled on Martin Fowler's "Enterprise Application"
patterns (UnitOfWork, AbstractMapper, et al). It wound up looking a great
deal like Jaxor (jaxor.sourceforge.net). I discovered Hibernate
(hibernate.sourceforge.net) and threw away my own mapping code with great
delight although I haven't completely given up on J2EE CMP-2.x yet.

For a quick view of how many frameworks you have to choose from, try
http://www.uq.net.au/~zzabergl/simpleorm/ORMTools.html and there's a Wiki
page without explicit reviews at

how-did-we-get-too-much-info-before-the-internet-ly y'rs,

> SO,  I am wondering what people do when they need to return all of the
> data in a ResultSet to their business layer.  Do you have to go to the
> hassle of copying everything to some sort of data structure, or is
> there a better, cleaner, faster way to handle this?
> (I'm kind of assuming that the ResultSet will be small enough to fit
> in memory and there won't be issues with pulling it in in pieces;  how
> would that be handled, though?)

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