Would it be a multi-threading problem, another user moves cursor to next row
of the ResultSet?

"This Guy Thinks He Knows Everything"
"This Guy Thinks He Knows What He Is Doing"

-----Original Message-----
Sent: February 27, 2003 4:29 PM
Subject: RE: [OT] DBCP Pool Closed connection problem

Thanks for the replies.
How can turn on the validation which checks for a good connection before
I guess i need to setTestOnBorrow(true). Do I need to do any thing else?

We actually have automated JTest which checks for all closed connections. So
that's what makes me certain that connections are all closed properly.
What i did is that i made only one connection available to the pool. and
when i'm the only user, things work fine even with one available connection.

-----Original Message-----
From: Miller, Jason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:57 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [OT] DBCP Pool Closed connection problem

I had this problem once.  At the time, I was positive everything was closed
correctly, but it turned out at one point, where I was unwrapping the
connection, I had closed it.  This inadvertently caused the pool to be

This occurred before I had a quality check on my connections, so it didn't
replace the closed ones.  Still, check exhaustively before you say you are
positive all closings are correct.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 3:52 PM
> Subject: [OT] DBCP Pool Closed connection problem
> Hi,
>       I'm using commons DBCP in conjuction with STRUTS.
>       When a lot of users start using  our application, we 
> start getting a
> lot of exceptions related to Connections, like "Exhausted 
> Resultset" or
> "Connection is Closed". The first one happens when we try to 
> retrieve a
> column from a resultset. The second one happens when we try to open a
> connection.
>       Neither of these errors happen in a predictable fashion.
>       Right now we have set the pool max active connections 
> to 50 and the
> number of users testing is about 5.
>       I'm absolutely positive, that all connections, resultsets and
> statements have been closed at the appropriate places by the pool. 
>       Is it a problem with the way I've configured the pool? 
> has anyone
> faced a similar problem before?
> Thanks,
> Gaurav
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