I have been studying ant very thoroughly over the past two days, and
I completely understand the file from top to bottom, including how
to reload the application using the <reload> tag imported from
org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask.  However, I am stuck on an

Assuming that I follow the techniques from the book Struts Kick
Start, I create a development tree such as


then the actual target tree (under tomcat/webapps) is the typical


Okay, now stay with me here.  Assume that I currently have the
application running under tomcat.  If I build the .war file from the
build/ directory and place it into ${app.home}/deploy, then copy
it to ${app.name}.war under tomcat/webapps, it isn't going to
automatically expand over the current running tree.  It just sits
there until I kick tomcat (restart it) after deleting the running
application directory.

So what I did instead was I made the build/ directory the actual
running application directory so it just copied over the "live"
files directly as they were updated by javac.  Then a simple
"reload" would cause the application to start using the updated

The question on the table is as follows.  How do you get tomcat to
expand an updated .war file over a currently running application
before you reload it?  It seems wrong to have the "live" application
the target of my build process.

The goal here is to update the running application without having to
restart tomcat and without having to use the running application as
the target of the build process.  I want to be able to copy the
updated .war file into the tomcat/webapps folder and have it expand
it over the running application files.  Is this unreasonable to
expect this?  How does everyone else do it.  Surely you are not
restarting tomcat all day.


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Daniel Allen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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"I am the GOD.....the GOD...of house!" 
 -- Leeloo
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