Thanks Cedric. You save us a day! 3 more items to be sure:

1) Assuming we have *myAttribute* from *myBean* in user session
myBean.getLevel2().getMyAttribute(). To use myAttribute as a JSP Java
variable, we need:
        //set an attribute for tile insert
        <tiles:insert attribute="myAttribute" />
          <tiles:put name="myAttribute" beanName="myBean"
            beanScope="session" beanProperty="level2.myAttribute" />

        //declare a Java variable for JSP usage
        <tiles:useAttribute name="myAttribute" scope="request" />

        // myAttribute is now available for all sub tiles in the jsp
        <%= myAttribute ... %>

2) Assuming now level2 is a HashMap and myAttributeName is the key
corresponding to myAttribute value: myAttribute = (HashMap
the beanProperty can be set: beanProperty="level2.myAttributeName"

3) Assuming as in (2) but myAttribute is now a property of level2Obj, which
is the value of myAttributeName key: myAttribute = ( Level2Obj (HashMap
myBean.getLevel2()).get("myAttributeName").getMyAttribute(), the
beanProperty can be set:


-----Original Message-----
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 9:35 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Setting tiles attributes from a bean in different scopes


BaTien Duong wrote:

>Hello Cedric and the group:
>Issue: need to retrieve properties of *myBean* in user session scope as
>values for tiles attributes in request scope.
  You can't set the scope of a tiles attribute: a tiles attribute is
defined with <put> nested in an <insert>. A tile attribute is always in
the tiles scope (the tiles context). However, you can import
(<importAttribute>) a tile attribute in any jsp scope, or use
it (<useAttribute>) as java variable.
  So, I don't clearly see what you are trying to do ;-).

>Solution from a scratch of my head:
>       <jsp:useBean id="myBean" scope="session" />
>       <tiles:useAttribute id="myAttribute" name="myAttribute" scope="request"
>className="java.lang.String" />
>       <tiles:put name="myAttribute" beanName="myBean" beanProperty="myAttribute"
  This code is not valid because the <put> tag should be nested inside
an <insert> tag.

>       1) The bean and attribute are in different scopes. Can one set tile
>attributes from session scope?
  You can set an attribute from a bean stored in any scope:
<tiles:insert ...>
  <tiles:put name="myAttribute" beanName="myBean" beanScope="session" />
  This declare and set an attribute for the tile to be inserted. The
attribute is called "myAttribute", its value is taken from the bean
"myBean" which is in the "session" scope.

>       2) Is there a faster way to assign an attribute at the time of
>initialization in <useAttribute> tag so we do not need <jsp:useBean> and
><tiles:put> tags?
  <useAttribute .../> tag is used to declare a java variable inside the
jsp page. This variable is initialized from an attribute of the current
tiles. This attribute has been passed to the current tiles. A side
effect of this tag is to declare also a bean in one of the jsp scope.

>       3) Assuming myAttribute is a nested level of myBean ( i.e.
>getMyBean().getMyLevel2().getMyAttribute() ), is there an EL way similar to
  Remind that you can use the dot separator in the bean property name:


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