It's up to the JSTL implementations to decide how to implement the message tag. My guess is that they will use the MessageFormat class.
You could always look at the jakarta taglibs implementation to see how they do it.


From: Vic Cekvenich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How fast is <bean:message>?
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 10:39:06 -0500

Do we have an idea if same is true of the JSTL FMT tag?
(bean tags are now redundant to JSTL).


David Graham wrote:
That's not all that surprising because the java.text.* classes have always been rather slow. I think they create a lot of objects while processing text which slows them down. I've found that I don't use paramterized messages very often anyway.


The only caveat I would give is that messages that have parameters are on the order of 100 times slower than those that do not. I did some tests on this a while back and found that the MessageFormat class is the bottleneck. I wrote some unit tests against MessageTag that tracked the time to perform the parsing. Taking the String "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall" as the first test case and "{0} sat on the wall" as the second (and passing it the appropriate parameter) gave the following results:

500000 unparameterized requests took 296 milliseconds. // "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall"
5000 parameterized requests took 10607 milliseconds. // "{0} sat on a wall"

YMMV, but if so let's try and find out why. The disparity here is just incredile.

-= J

> David Graham wrote:
> >> It's as fast as it takes to lookup a key in a hashmap.  If that's
> >> unacceptable then you should write a different jsp for
> each language with
> >> hardcoded text.
> I'm searching a more automated solution. If the design has to
> be changed
> every translated JSP should be changed automatically, so
> something like a
> preprocessor would be great.
> cu,
>     boris

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