I'm currently using a nested:form part inside a nested:iterate loop
to display a number of different items along with a corresponding 
edit and delete button for each item.  The problem I have is that
I can't refer to the id of the item using:

    <nested:hidden property="addressId"/>

Could somebody tell me why it's looking for the addressId in my
initial person form instead of the nested Address object which
is contained with an arraylist in person, i.e.

    Arraylist addressList

where addressList is of type person.

I get the following error message.

    ServletException in:/person/addperson.jsp] 
    No getter method for property addressId of bean Personform

This is the following code segment, note that the nested:write
tag locates the address object correctly but the nested:hidden
tag within the nested:form tag does not.  Do I need to use
nested:root or something?

<nested:iterate property="addressList" scope="session">            
          <td class="listtext"><nested:write property="addressId"/></td>               
                <td class="listtext"><nested:write property="addressText"/></td>       
                    <nested:form action="/addperson" scope="session">
                            <nested:hidden property="addressId"/>
                                      <nested:submit property="action">
                                                 <bean:message key="button.edit"/> 
                   <nested:form action="/addperson" scope="session">
                                     <nested:hidden property="addressId" />
                                               <nested:submit onclick="return 
confirm('Confirm Delete?');" property="action">

Many thanks in advance,


 Jonathan Holloway,               
 Dept. Of Computer Science,       
 Aberystwyth University, 
 West Wales,                      
 SY23 3DV.                        
 07968 902140                     

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