Wendy, thanks for your concern.

I appreciate your willingness to help.  The question I have is:

Is the location that a jsp finds the exception the same between
a global exception and an exception that is associated with an
action.  If the location is the same - something else is wrong
and I will dig it out, hopefully.  If it is different, it will
make getting the handler to work easier.

The jsp page worked when it was forwarded from a <global-exception.

Unfortunatly - I have been using struts for three weeks and have
plowed my way through most of my issues, with help from this list.
It seems like the one area where there is a lack of support material
is in the area of exception handling.

I will forgo the whine about why my project is so important - :-)

Again, thanks
Ray Madigan

-----Original Message-----
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 2:52 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: ExceptionHandler

I'm sorry you're stuck, but speaking only for myself, your question was too
vague for me to even try to solve.  If you show the complete before and
after versions of the tags you're talking about, and maybe a bit of Java/JSP
code that demonstrates the problem, I might paste it into my own project and
modify it a bit to see if I can cause the same behavior you're seeing.  I
learn quite a lot from example code that I read here.

I don't have any idea what's wrong, but if you provide more information,
you'll make it easier for those who are inclined to try to help.

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

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