Hi Sundar,

I tried it both ways, but I _always_ get a Jsp compile error, saying
that _jspx_xxx_1 is already defined, where xxx stands for the
id-attribute (e.g. "element") of the inner <logic:iterate> !

> I've had luck with patterns similar to what others have suggested, but
> if you have plain lists or vectors inside lists or vectors.. a better
> route to go is to try
>       <logic:iterate id="row" name="bean" property="myproperty>
>          <logic:iterate id="element" collection="<%= row %>" >
>                       <do something w/ element>
>          </logic:iterate>                  
>       </logic:iterate>
> I don't happen to have my examples handy (I'm still at home :), but
> hope you get the idea. 
> As another person suggested if you have the inner "element" defined as
> a bean property on the object bound to "row".. then you can use
> name/property as well.
> The scoping gotchas of struts are plenty -- this is one of them that I
> stumble across often :)


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