> Thank you all for your replies. I think I will have to get some good hold on
> regular expressions
> I found a site which lists possible regular expressions . This should help
> me, anyway even buying book should do
> http://demo.freshwater.com/SiteScope/docs/regexp.htm
> Now I have another question , which I think shouldn't be in this list but
> was curious if anybody knows.
> I have HTML page  with certain number of tables, in kind of different
> layers(I have put them in field sets).
> On triggering of event(liking selecting a certain checkbox) the different
> layers should be hidden or visible. I think it should be possible be
> JavaScript I think, but don't know how.

First, don't change the topic without changing the subject on a list
like this or else no one will ever find your new question.

Second, if you are going to discuss a topic which is not directly
related to struts, be sure to include a mark in the subject, such as
[OT] for off-topic.

Just helping you to get better responses.

Now back to the question at hand...


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Daniel Allen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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"I'm old enough to know better, but still too young to care."
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