On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 14:54, Laker Shen wrote:
> The problem is there'are too many struts experts and best practices. For a 
> beginner like me, it's really hard to follow.

> Someone should put the words in struts website. Then, beginners do not need 
> to waste time and try to debug.


I agree that learning struts "best practices" can be a long process. 
Just keep in mind you can't learn everything right now - the experts on
this group have been working with struts much longer than you and I.  I
know much more than I did a week ago, and two months ago, I barely knew
what struts was!

Debugging and "wasting time" is a part of learning any new technology -
if you've programmed before, you know this. Many of the questions posed
on this group have been asked before, but it's sometimes difficult to
sort through the archives and existing documentation, I agree.

An issue with open-source software is that the documentation is often
what the users themselves create.  Someone else a week or so ago talked
about trying to make a list of common problems and their solutions to
add to the FAQ.  I'm all for that - just have _no_ time to contribute to
such an effort right now.  Perhaps you can keep track of your own
questions and the solutions as you go and eventually add to the communal
knowledge with more *newbie FAQ*.

Becky Norum
Database Administrator
Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems (CenSSIS)
Northeastern University

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