Does anyone know of a Struts work around for the problem with Tomact
in bookmarking the login page for container managed security?

There was a brief thread on this issue about a month ago
[[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg59734.html]

There is a SourceForge project called SecurityFilter that can be used
to replace Tomcat's container managed security, but it would be nice
to be able to work with Tomcat.

Has anyone tried to call "j_security_check" directly from an Action
class?  Once you can authenticate a user you would be able to get the
roles for that user.

Is there a way to set up a JDBC Realm purely in Struts? I did not see
any information on this in a quick scan of the documentation.

Hopefully, the good people working on Tomcat see this as a bug that
needs to be fixed.

Quote from a recent thread in the Tomcat news group:  "I wish that
there was a legitimate configuration change to enable you to bookmark
a login.jsp page--such as a j_success_url parameter which instructs
Tomcat where to send users if not doing an automated login process."

Another user stated, "...I simply just can't believe that there are
Tomcat instances out there in a live production environment with
configured realms that suffer from this problem. Surely there must be
something...."[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg77974.html



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