ah sorry missed your timer function

On Tuesday 01 April 2003 8:41 am, Stephen Smithstone wrote:
> wow all that trouble for a date what i would do is create a TileAction that
> sets up the date variable in the tiles context and then publish that
> attribute on the tiles page
> public class TilesDate extends TileAction
> {
>  public void perform( ComponentContext 1 , HttpServletRequest 2 ,
> HttpServletResponse 3 , ServletContext 4 )
> {
>   SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd:MM:yyyy" );
>  1.putAttribute( "date" , sdf.format( new java.util.Date( ) );
> }
> then in my tiles-def.xml
>  i would have
> <definition controllerUrl="/TilesDate.do" name="portal.main"
> page="/layouts/layout1.jsp">
>   </definition>
> in the struts-config
> define the TilesDate actionMapping
> then call my tiles from an action forward using portal.main
> thats just my view thou
> On Tuesday 01 April 2003 8:33 am, Heligon Sandra wrote:
> >     I am really desperate. I try to display the current date in a JSP
> > but that does not function.
> >     I found many examples of Javascript (aff_heure()) on the Web but the
> > difficulty is to combine them with
> >     the Struts components and more precisely Tiles components.
> >     Each page of the application has the same look: a header, a menu, a
> > body and a footer.
> >     And I have a main layout.jsp that each page has to extend:
> >     <html:html locale="true">
> >     <head>
> >             <title><tiles:getAsString name="title"/></title>
> >     </head>
> >     <body onload= "aff_heure()" bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"
> > link="#023264" alink="#023264" vlink="#023264">
> >     <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
> >       <tr>
> >                     <td width="140"  valign="top" height="23"><tiles:insert
> > attribute="header"/></td>
> >              <td width="100%" colspan="3"  align="left"><tiles:insert
> > attribute="menu"/></td>
> >       </tr>
> >       <tr>
> >             <td valign="top"  align="center"><tiles:insert
> > attribute='body' /> </td>
> >       </tr>
> >        <tr>
> >                     <tiles:insert attribute="footer" />
> >        </tr>
> >     </table>
> >     </body>
> >     </html:html>
> >     In the header.jsp I have defined the aff_heure() script:
> >
> >     <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
> >       <tr>
> >             <script type="text/javascript">
> >                   function aff_heure() {
> >                       var d=new Date()
> >                               var weekday=new
> > Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturd
> >ay " )
> >                               var monthname=new
> > Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","
> >De c ")
> >                               document.write(weekday[d.getDay()] + " ")
> >                       document.write(d.getDate() + ". ")
> >                       document.write(monthname[d.getMonth()] + " ")
> >                               document.write(d.getFullYear()+ ",")
> >                               document.write(d.getHours())
> >                               document.write(":")
> >                               document.write(d.getMinutes())
> >                   document.write(":")
> >                   document.write(d.getSeconds())
> >                   setTimeout("aff_heure()",10000);
> >                     }
> >                     </script>
> >             <noscript><bean:message
> > key="label.javascript.required"/></noscript>
> >       </tr>
> >     </table>
> >
> >     This code doesn't work, the page displayed only a number.
> >      If somebody succeeded in posting the current date/time thank you
> > very much to indicate the solution to me
> >
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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