I'm using OJB 0.9.8 with Struts 1.1 rc1, and the only jars I've included in my WEB-INF/lib are 'jakarta-ojb-0.9.8.jar', 'jakarta-ojb-0.9.8-junit.jar' and 'jdbc2_0-stdext.jar'. I had no problems with that config for the moment.


At 11:37 01/04/2003, you wrote:
Any one using the ojb stuff ?? which jar files do i need to deploy with my
struts app i have trouble when i include the xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar
in my struts app /WEB-INF/lib folder the struts actionservelet throws up some
nasty java.lang.VerfiyError upon loading of tomcat

any help


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