Im running 1.4.1_01

On Tuesday 01 April 2003 3:41 pm, Guido wrote:
> What JDK version are you using?
> I had that exception when I was compiling my classes with a JDK and
> running them in a Tomcat using a different version.
> Regards,
> Guido.
> Stephen Smithstone wrote:
> > Any one using the ojb stuff ?? which jar files do i need to deploy with
> > my struts app i have trouble when i include the xercesImpl.jar and
> > xml-apis.jar in my struts app /WEB-INF/lib folder the struts
> > actionservelet throws up some nasty java.lang.VerfiyError upon loading of
> > tomcat
> >
> > any help
> >
> > Ta
> > Stephen
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