
How do you insert your tiles ? Do you use the <tiles:insert name="home.main" > tag, an action <forward name ="home.main" /> or something else ? You should use one of insert or forward.


Stephen Smithstone wrote:

Hi all got a problem with a tiles contoller heres the controller code

public class IndexTiles implements org.apache.struts.tiles.Controller {

 public void perform( ComponentContext comCtx , HttpServletRequest req ,
                      HttpServletResponse res , ServletContext serCtx )
   System.out.println( "Processing IndexTiles.." );

List newStories = new ArrayList( );

NewStory story = new NewStory( );

story.setStory( "A New Document Store System is now in place that allows sub directories to be assigned to different people" );
story.setStoryDate( new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "dd/MM/yyyy" ).format( new java.util.Date( )));

newStories.add( story );

comCtx.putAttribute( "News" , newStories );

Iterator it = comCtx.getAttributeNames();

   while( it.hasNext() )
     System.out.println( it.next().toString() );

} }

and in my tiles-defs.xml i have

<definition name="home.main" extends="main.layout" controllerClass="co.uk.oyez.webapps.intranet.home.tiles.IndexTiles">
<put name="body" value="/home/pages/index.jsp" />
<put name="heading" value="Intranet - Home" />

how ever on my page index.jsp i have

<tiles:importAttribute name="News"/>

when ever i go to the page is says it cant find News in the context please help


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