Well, the point I was getting at was, in a dynamic
form you would n't know what the form fields are going
to be and so you can't use the form bean anyway. And
like Craig mentioned in another thread, you will have
to manipulate your parameterMap/parameterValues from
the request yourself. Instead, if the framework was
working with the parameterValues to begin with you
wouldn't have this problem, right?


--- Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 4:48 PM -0500 2003/04/04, Robert Taylor wrote:
> >The FormBean provides extensibility (not found in
> >the HttpServletRequest) as a wrapper.
> The FormBean also provides a clean model for passing
> value back *and 
> forth* between the browser and the servlet.  How
> would you use the 
> HTML tag library's re-filling the form mechanism
> without it?  Perhaps 
> by populating a whole bunch of request attributes --
> but then you 
> lose the flexibility of using other values to
> pre-fill form fields, 
> if you should want that.
> What if you have complex validation rules that can't
> be expressed 
> readily in the Validator?   You'd have to put those
> rules someplace 
> -- you could put them in the action, but what if you
> use the same 
> form for a few different actions?  (Also note that
> the FormBean 
> predates the validator infrastructure, so there was
> a time when there 
> was no "validation framework," except insofar as you
> could set 
> "validate='true'" on your Action Mapping and count
> on Struts 
> validating your form and returning the user to the
> input page before 
> your perform(...) method (as it was known at the
> time) was called...
> A Form Bean is a handy place to put
> request-parameter-to-model-object 
> creation responsibilities, if you have to make
> complicated objects 
> based on the form input.
> With the DynaValidatorFormBean, it's nice not to
> have to write Form 
> Beans... but it's nice to be able to when you need
> to...
> Joe
> >robert
> >>  -----Original Message-----
> >>  From: Harish Krishnaswamy
> >>  Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 4:24 PM
> >>  Subject: FormBean - what is good for?
> >>
> >>
> >>  I have a fundamental question, may be I am just
> being
> >>  a novice here. Anyway the question is, if a
> FormBean
> >>  is primarily used to carry data from the html
> form to
> >>  the action, can we just not use the request
> object or
> >>  a wrapper to it and have the validation
> framework work
> >>  with that? I remember having read something
> along the
> >>  same lines put forth by Ted Husted. Can anyone
> share
> >>  the design motive behind the FormBean?
> >>
> >>  Thanks
> >>  Harish
> >>
> >> 
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> Joe Germuska            
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> "If nature worked that way, the universe would crash
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