Sorry... But I think your solution is a some dirty.
You can use a bean like mytable...

public class MyTable {
    private Collection formBean;
    public Object getFormBean(){
       return formBean;
     void setFormBean(Collection c){
      formBean = c;
in a Servlet ... put this collection in the session.
MyTable mytable = new MyTable();
session.setAttribute ("mytable", mytable);

I think you are using any thing like..
<html:form action="/actions/">

In this action use...
MyTable mytable = (MyTable) session.getrequest("mytable");
mytable.add((FormBean) form);

finally... to iterate... use:
<logic:iterate id="formbean" name="mytable">
    <bean:write name="formbean" property="name"/>
    <bean:write name="formbean" property="sex"/>

I have not tested this specific code. GOOD LUCK...

Sashi Ravipati writes:
> Let me rephrase my question.
> I have a table which looks like this.. example
> <table width="300" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
> <tr>
>   <th>Name</th>
>   <th>Sex</th>
> </tr>
> <tr>
>  <td><html:text  property="name" /></td>
>   <td><html:select  property="sex" >
>       <html:option value="">&nbsp;</html:option>
>        <html:option value="M" >Male</html:option> 
>        <html:option value="F" >Female</html:option> 
>     </html:select> 
>   </td> 
>   </tr>
> <tr>
>   <td><html:text property="name" /></td>
>   <td><html:select  property="sex" >
>       <html:option value="">&nbsp;</html:option>
>       <html:option value="">&nbsp;</html:option>
>        <html:option value="M" >Male</html:option> 
>        <html:option value="F" >Female</html:option>
>     </html:select> 
>   </td>
>  </tr>
> </table>
> So when I add data like
> Sashi     Male
> Sushma FEMALE   
> now I submit the form, and say there are some validation errors 
> how can I build the table with the above values retrieving from the Form
> Bean .My  form bean has the following methods
> public String[] getName(){
>     return name;
>   }
>   public void setName(String[] newName){
>     name = newName;
>   }
>   public String[] getSex(){
>     return sex;
>   }
>   public void setSex(String[] newSex){
>     sex = newSex;
>   }
> The values are getting stored in the array, but to get them back and
> build my table is what is not clear to me..
> <logic:iterate > may do the job but how to use it??
> Hope I am clear now
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/05/03 11:15AM >>>
> doesn't the form do this automatically?  if validation fails, i think  
> the standard behavior is to return the user to the page just as they  
> left it -- preferably with the appropriate error message....i know  
> there are multiple ways to do the validation (and i'm not using the  
> best way), but one way is to have a method like the one below in you  
> form bean.  If any of the following conditions are met, the user is  
> returned to the page with the form populated.
> Hope this helps.
> -nathan
>     public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,  
> HttpServletRequest request) {
>          ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
>          if (this.isBlankString(oldpassword)) {
>              errors.add("oldpassword",new  
> ActionError("error.required.oldpassword"));
>          }
>          if (this.isBlankString(newpassword1)) {
>              errors.add("newpassword1", new  
> ActionError("error.required.newpassword1"));
>          }
>          if (this.isBlankString(newpassword2)) {
>              errors.add("newpassword2", new  
> ActionError("error.required.newpassword2"));
>          }
>          // Test to see if the new passwords are the same.
>          if (!newpassword1.equals(newpassword2)) {
>              errors.add("newpassword1", new  
> ActionError("error.passwordmatch"));
>          }
>          return errors;
>      }
> On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 09:59 AM, Sashi Ravipati wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I am a newbie to struts...
> >
> > I have a dynamic table which has a <html:text >  and a <html:select> .
> > The user cliks on a add button and enter values in each row of the  
> > table and submits the form.
> >
> > How can I repopulate the valuse if validation fails.
> >
> > Can some body give a working exapmle of the Action Form that is  
> > required for this kind of requirement.
> >
> > I found this in Ted Husted site but had no clue as what he is trying  
> > to do, What is RESULT etc
> > — 
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > -------------------
> > <TABLE><html:form action="/item/StoreCategory">
> > <logic:iterate name="RESULT" property="iterator" id="row">
> > <TR>
> > <TH>name</TH>
> > <TH>category</TH>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TD><bean:write name="row" property="name"/></TD>
> > <html:select name="row" property="category">
> > <html:option value="ART">Art</html:option>
> > <html:option value="AUT">Automotive</html:option>
> > <%-- ... --%>
> > </html:select>
> > <html:hidden name="row" property="key"/>
> > </TD>
> > </TR>
> > </logic:iterate>
> > <TR>
> > <TD colspan="2" align="right">
> > <html:submit/>
> > </TD>
> > </TR>
> > </html:form>
> > </TABLE>
> > — 
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> > -----------------
> >
> =============================
> Nathan Pitts
> Programmer Analyst
> Texas Animal Health Commission
> =============================
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Rodrigo di Lorenzo Lopes (Mineirinho) - ICQ 52982003

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