> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:44 AM
> Subject: Justifying Struts
> I am looking at potential frameworks for a new project.  I've 
> heard about 
> Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The 
> MVC approach makes 
> sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.
> 1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the 
> model and controller 
> has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  
> For example, I like 
> to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  
> These developers 
> should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've 
> seen so far do 
> form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts 
> the J2EE development 
> model where "application developers", who are basically 
> scripters (not OO 
> developers), do the front end work.

No need to write beans for the client side validations .. Have a look at how
Validator works .. 

> 2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  
> The samples I've 
> seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, 
> why should I have 
> to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either 
> be generated 
> automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with 
> properties that are 
> created dynamically) that works for all forms?

You can use DynaForms for that .. In that you dont have to write a form bean
for each form .. 
Do read the docs for that 

> 3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by 
> encapsulating the 
> logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application 
> developers" get to work 
> writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  
> So why add the 
> overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?

What type of overhead are you talking about ??

> 4) Because we separate out business logic into beans and 
> EJBs, Java is simply 
> used as a scripting langauge in our JSPs - in just the same 
> way that VBScript 
> is used in Active Server Pages.  We try not to confuse the 
> object oriented 
> language called Java, with the scripting language called Java 
> that we use in 
> JSPs.  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.

So ??? 

> 5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either. 
>  Again, we are 
> simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably 
> the most complex 
> thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs.  A 
> loop is a loop 
> whether it has the syntax of Java or a taglib.  Plus, if I 
> want my front-end 
> developers to get any experience with serious development, 
> I'd rather have them 
> dealing with Java as opposed to taglibs, which have no value 
> in the real world 
> of programming.

Using taglibs instead of Scriplets makes the code more clean .. 
As far as I know there are no overheads in using taglibs ..

> 6) Performance is unknown.  I've looked through the mail 
> archives and have seen 
> requests for performance figures, but no answers (plenty of 
> folks pushing 
> Struts though).

Performance is not a issue .. There have been a lot of threads on this ...

> Mike

Mike .. U need to put some more hours reading Struts docs .. rather then
straight away jumping to conclusions ..

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