"it must be a thursday, (i) never could get the hang of thurdays"

but then i guess this should be left 'til friday :o)

On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 10:37 Europe/London, Andrew Hill wrote:

Maybe he should also drop java and the servlet api while he is at it - after
all you can do all of that stuff in assembly code. How hard is it to
implement a web server? - just listen on the port, send some text back and
forth. Piece of cake. Run a lot faster too without all that unneccesary
overhead the jvm imposes.

"application developers", who are basically scripters (not OO developers)
Oh we are just scripters are we? I suppose its true - real programmers write
straight to the metal - none of this high level language stuff... design
patterns are for quiche eaters...

Ok thats probably enough since its still only Thursday... ;->

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 29 May 2003 17:10
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Justifying Struts

I'm sorry man, you're reservations are mostly wrong. one thing you have to bare in mind is that we're not all as clever as you, in fact i'd argue that I'm very stupid and many people are as equally stupid.

If you've managed to maintain an MVC pattern using model 1 techniques
what are you doing researching struts?

Model 1 techniques were also attempts to encourage MVC but html'ists
who are keen to overcome their programmer envy would break the pattern,
if you don't have this problem and your current development practices
don't break this pattern you don't need struts then do you? I'm
interested in how many times "oh that's easy" is said in your team, how
much unaccounted time pops up on your projects especially when
completing "easy" tasks.

taglibs have value in the real world and the struts taglibs more so,
the overhead isn't that great and are far less than the cognitive
overheads that some ropey scriptlet writing can cause. while i
understand your preference for scriptlets, putting your team forward as
the sole inhabitance of the "real world" sounds a little incongruous
with the model 1 utopia that you're all living in.

Anyway there are numerous threads like yours on this group that have
been posted over the last few weeks. take a read. i'd argue that your
position requires justification not struts.

cheers mark

I've heard about
Struts and have researched it over the last few hours.  The MVC
approach makes
sense, but I'm still not sold on it yet.  Here are some doubts I have.

1) I think the separation of presentation (view) from the model and
has gone too far (or probably is not done well in Struts).  For
example, I like
to have my front end developers do form (field) validation.  These
should not have to write beans to do this (all examples I've seen so
far do
form validation in Java beans).  This somewhat contradicts the J2EE
model where "application developers", who are basically scripters (not
developers), do the front end work.

2) There is just too much junk to write to do a simple form.  The
samples I've
seen have involve too many files to do a simple form.  Plus, why
should I have
to write a new bean for each form.  Why can't the bean either be
automatically or there be a general purpose bean (with properties that
created dynamically) that works for all forms?

3) We already separate business logic nicely, usually by encapsulating
logic in beans or EJBs.  By the time the "application developers" get
to work
writing JSP/HTML, they are not writing any business logic.  So why add
overhead of Struts (or any other framework)?

4) Because we separate out business logic into beans and EJBs, Java is
used as a scripting langauge in our JSPs - in just the same way that
is used in Active Server Pages.  We try not to confuse the object
language called Java, with the scripting language called Java that we
use in
JSPs.  We use a very small subset of Java in JSPs.

5) Based on #4, I don't particularly care for taglibs either.  Again,
we are
simply using Java to do simple scripting.  Loops are probably the most
thing we do.  So why add the extra overhead of taglibs.  A loop is a
whether it has the syntax of Java or a taglib.  Plus, if I want my
developers to get any experience with serious development, I'd rather
have them
dealing with Java as opposed to taglibs, which have no value in the
real world
of programming.

6) Performance is unknown.  I've looked through the mail archives and
have seen
requests for performance figures, but no answers (plenty of folks
Struts though).


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