We've been using JSTL for about 6 months now.  It works great.  Our
developers like it much better -- especially with the addition of the
Expression Language.  Our application hasn't gone into production yet, but
it will later this year.  We're a medium size team (around 15 developers).
Our application is critical to our business and in the end will have several
hundred screens. 

We always try to use the JSTL tags when an equivalent Struts tag exists.
We've looked at using the "Struts-EL" tag library.  Unfortunately, that
subproject has never been released with corresponding versions for Struts
1.1 B1, B2, B3, RC1, or RC2.  So every time I try to use Struts-EL, there is
always a tag that blows up.  So we haven't had much success with Struts-EL,
but the concept behind the library is good.  Maybe it's better now, I
haven't tried it in a while.

Definitely plan on using JSTL.  It's a step in the right direction with many
benefits.   I don't think you have much to worry about there.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Stritzinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:04 AM
Subject: JSTL or Struts taglib: on a large project

I'm working on a large project team that's been using
the Struts taglibs, not -el taglibs, with extensive
use of logic:iterate, bean:write, bean:message, and
html:form with html:text and other field tags.  The
usual suspects, in our JSPs.

We are just about to begin work on a large development
effort for a production system, about 1000+ JSP pages,
and are debating whether to switch to JSTL standard
taglib (1.0.3 current version).  The Struts site has
several references and recommendations for future work
(e.g., Intro to logic taglib; struts-faces proposal;
Struts 2.0; etc), and the JSP 2.0 spec, final draft 3,
incorporates expression language (el).

So it sure looks like the vote is for JSTL, at least
for tags such as c:forEach, c:out, and use of el.  But
our team is a little nervous about switching from
something that's working to something that we've used
(JSTL) but not extensively to the point of

I've looked through the source code for some tags,
like logic:iterate (IterateTag) compared to c:forEach
(ForEachTag, ForEachSupport), and the JSTL code looks
like it will handle our needs just fine.

Reading the JSTL bug list (short list), the type of
issues discussed on this and other mailing lists, it
also seems like JSTL has been stable for a while and
is in wide use.

So what's the question?  Well....looking for some
real-world feedback about using the JSTL tags, and
switching from the Struts tags to JSTL tags.  Has
anyone been using the JSTL standard taglib on a large
site that's in production/live?  Or gone through some
conversion/refactoring efforts from Struts to JSTL

Appreciate any feedback.  Thanks in advance,

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