Thanks for the feedback, it's been a help.  We'll be
using JSTL standard taglibs for the basics, like
iterate and display values.
--- "Hohlen, John C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We've been using JSTL for about 6 months now.  It
works great.  Our
developers like it much better -- especially with
the addition of the Expression Language.

We always try to use the JSTL tags when an
equivalent Struts tag exists.

Definitely plan on using JSTL.  It's a step in the
right direction with many
benefits.   I don't think you have much to worry
about there.

--- "Karr, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There were some particular problems with Struts-EL in
RC1, but RC2
should be fine.  I haven't heard of any more issues.

--- "Vic Cekvenich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    * JSTL should be used when ever possible!
    * Try to limit use of bean and logic.

One JSTL issue I am not able to solve: Localization...
it tends to work 
better using Struts tags, I have not found a great way
to have it work 
using FMT tag.

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