Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

I have a search Action that returns a list of objects in tablular format from a query to one database table.
An object can be selected via a radio button, and deleted via a "Delete" button/Action.

The delete Action checks to see if this object exists in another database table. If the object exists in other tables, I do not want the object deleted from the main table. The logic for delete works fine, however, I want to let the user know WHY the object isnt being deleted, I am already using errors.add in other places, but can not use it here because of a different way of forwarding.
The results list table from the search has a URL that looks like :
If I use :
return (mapping.findForward("success"));
Then an application resource message can be returned , but the URL for the original page is lost and it shows:

To resolve the URL problem, here is the URL code snippet with its corresponding actionForward:
String base64ReturnUrl= form.getReturnUrl();
String returnUrl = null;
if (base64ReturnUrl!=null){
//get rid of the "/activate" from the url since the ActionForward will tack
//that on as a result of the contextRelative == true setting
int startIndex = returnUrl.indexOf("/",1);
ActionForward forward = new ActionForward("dynDelRedirect",returnUrl, true, true);
return forward;

Action mapping for this action in struts-config.xml:
<action path="/delete" type="com.activate.inventory.actions.InventoryDelete" name="inventoryFormEdit" scope="request" validate="false" roles="InventoryDeleters">
<exception key="errors.unknownExceptionMsg" path="" type="com.activate.inventory.InventoryDelegateException"/>
<forward name="success" path="" redirect="false">

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