
We have JSP pages which need user input. How can I display the form initially with out 
validation and then when user enters data and submits the page, the validation has to 
be done.

I tried to accomplish it by giving two <action> in Struts-Config.xml.  as shown below

<action path="/AddRate" type="xxxx.AddRateAction" name="addRateForm" 
input="AddRate.jsp" scope="request" validate="false" >
      <forward name="success" path="AddRate.jsp"/>
<action path="/Rate" type="xxxx.AddRateAction" name="addRateForm" input="AddRate.jsp" 
scope="request" validate="true" >
  <forward name="success" path="AddRate.do?target=create"/>

Not sure if this the way to do. Can somebody tell me if there is a better way to 
accomplish this.


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