
I have an array of objects over which I would like to iterate. I am using the 
<bean:write> tag to pass the value of one object in the collection to another tag. 
However, the <bean:write> tag is always returning a null value. I've tried several 
combinations but can't get this to work. I would really appreciate it if someone could 
help me out.

Here's a snippet of my JSP code:
                MeasResultValue [] measResults = (MeasResultValue 
[])request.getAttribute                       ("measResults");
                pageContext.setAttribute("measResults", measResults);

<logic:iterate id="item" name="measResults" property="measResults">

         <jsp:useBean id="otdrTraceProducer" 


                <cewolf:producer id="otdrTraceProducer"> 
                        <cewolf:param name="measResult" value='<bean:write 
name="item"/>' /> 



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