----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Raeburn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2003 4:17 PM
Subject: RE: Sending a Redirect Directly from an Action Class

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jing Zhou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: June 28, 2003 10:28 AM
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: Re: Sending a Redirect Directly from an Action Class
> >
> >
> > I have the following concerns whenever the redirect is used:
> >
> > * The statement response.sendRedirect("/somePage.jsp")
> >    will bind the codes statically to the underlying file system
> >    structures. So if someone moves the somePage.jsp to
> >    a different location, the codes are broken.
> Yes, there's nothing gained by hard coding the redirect in the action
> and it's easier and more flexible to use redirect=true on an
> >
> > * The JSP page somePage.jsp could not be protected
> >    by the standard security constraints. So it is recommended
> >    to use response.sendRedirect("/someAction.do") or
> >    a Filter, either way that provides security checking.
> >    Improper use of the redirect could make the security
> >    constraints over complicated as in an early discussion on
> >    how we redirect to restricted pages.
> >
> This is not true. When you redirect the client issues a new request which
> subject to container managed security. (You can set up a rule to protect
> /somePage.jsp as easily as you can /someAction.do. When you *forward*
> a request, this happens within the container and does not trigger security
> rules.

If you means the new redirected request to the page /somePage.jsp is
subject to container managed security because a custom action in the page
perform the security checking, that is not called container manager
It is the old Model 1 things.

> > * Use the redirect only when it is really needed. It needs
> >    extra CPU time and network resources than just forward.
> >
> Technically true, because it does create an extra round-trip between
> and server. But the overall effect is negligible. About as much as your
> clicking on a link to go to another page and I think most servers should
> able to handle that ;-)
> > Regarding to the last concern, I have a question: what
> > business requirements that need the redirect within
> > a web application? Using the redirect across web
> > applications or web sites is reasonable as well as when
> > we dynamically build hyper links.
> >
> > A delay at client side? Any more ideas?
> When you forward request the client URL does not change. This can cause
> situations where the URL displayed in the browser is inconsistent with
> what's displayed on the screen. It's useful to do a redirect at the end of
> some requests in order to reconcile the URL with the page that's
> For example, if my login form submits to /processLogin.do and then
> to my home page, the browser URL will still display /processLogin.do. What
> really want is for the browser to display the URL of my home page (say
> /index.do). So I issue a redirect, rather than forward to achieve this.
> So what? Well, for one thing, different URLs for the same page can confuse
> the user. Secondly, if the action was a long running one or updates the
> database and the user refereshes the screen after a forward it could cause
> the action to be re-run. I know, you can use tokens to prevent this, but
> then you get a situation where the user just wants to refresh the home
> and ends up getting an error message that a form was submitted out of
> sequence!

It is a good example. I did heard some customers mentioned it somewhere.
But displaying *right* URL on the address bar is a more client issue.
Has any body tried to use Java scripts to change the URL to a desired
string? For me, I just turn off the address bar. Of course, it is not a
general solution to it. Any other examples?

> So, sometimes a redirect is the right thing to do, but for maximum
> flexibility it should be done using an ActionFoward with redirect set to
> true.
> Steve
> >
> > Jing
> > Netspread Carrier
> > http://www.netspread.com
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Mike Duffy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2003 11:27 AM
> > Subject: Sending a Redirect Directly from an Action Class
> >
> >
> > > What are your thoughts on sending a redirect directly from an Action
> > > class:
> > >
> > > response.sendRedirect("/somePage.jsp?");
> > > return null;
> > >
> > > There is a setRedirect(boolean redirect) in the ActionForward class
> > > that could be used for the same purpose (with a few extra lines of
> > > code and an entry in the strutsconfig.xml).
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > Mike
> > >
> > >
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