I Tried Struts upload example App and it works fine. So browser or tomcat conf are not 

Do you have any idea what I can look at to discover what works wrong on my app ?


> Nicolas De Loof wrote:
> > In fact I've got this strange behaviour :
> > 
> > - Form-bean is validated a first time. 
> > MultipartRequestHandler.ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED is setted and an
> > ActionError is returned by validate().
> > 
> > - browser go on uploading for a long time ... (5 minutes for 10Mo upload on 
> > localhost)
> > 
> > - validate is called A SECOND TIME.
> > MultipartRequestHandler.ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED is setted and an ActionError 
> > is returned by validate().
> > 
> > - browser show errors.
> > 
> > 
> > My code looks like Struts upload example. I certainly not understood something !
> > 
> > Nico.
> Tried a 135 MBytes upload on localhost. Took 10 sec to complete and the 
> returned JSP-paged showed the correct error in the browser.
> Maybe you should check first, why the uploads takes so long on your machine.
> Regards
> Markus
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