I'm experiencing the EXACT same problem (Win2000, Struts
1.1 RC 1, Weblogic 7, Sun JDK 1.3.1_07).

I've noticed that if my input forward is a simple JSP, it
works fine.  Also, it works fine if the input forward is a
tile definition which simply specifies a JSP, like this:

    <definition name="tile.struts.upload.upload"

However, it hangs if I try to get fancy and use some
inheritance in my definitions, like this:

   <definition name="tile.struts.upload.upload"
       <put name="window.title.key"
       <put name="body.tile"
   <definition name="tile.struts.upload.upload.body"
       <put name="title.key"/>
       <put name="content.tile" value="/upload.jsp"/>

It does eventually come back with the error message, but
only after 5 - 10 minutes (and I see the second request
just like Nico mentioned).  If I switch to JRockit 1.3.1,
it hangs forever (well, at least as long as lunch :-)

Nicolas, have you or anyone else discovered a
solution/workaround?  Thanks!



Nicolas De Loof wrote: 
> That's what I was trying to do and discovered that upload
> behaviour changes when going over Struts configured
> file-size limit (4Mo in my case).
> With a 3Mo file it works fine. With a 4,4Mo file I get
> errors on logs but upload goes on in the browser, and
> after a  long while (3 minutes) I get others validate()
> logs (related with no-file errors) and the errors are
> displayed on browser.
> I don't understand why I get TWO TIMES validate() logs !!
> If i set the size-limit to "6M", 4,4Mo upload works well
> in less than a seconds, but a  10Mo upload takes more
> 5 minutes. I get file-size error logs in the first
> seconds, browser stays for a  (long) while and I get
> second validation error logs.
> Using IP or machine name doesn't change anything.
> Nico. 

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